Computer Science
Teach courses in computer science. May specialize in a field of computer science, such as the design and function of computers or operations and research analysis. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.
Jobs available locally 10,258 |
Demand Locally +1 % |
Annual Wage Range $50,998 – $214,067 |
Conduct research into fundamental computer and information science as theorists, designers, or inventors. Develop solutions to problems in the field of computer hardware and software.
Jobs available locally 266 |
Demand Locally +2 % |
Annual Wage Range $84,364 – $168,521 |
Analyze science, engineering, business, and other data processing problems to develop and implement solutions to complex applications problems, system administration issues, or network concerns. Perform systems management and integration functions, improve existing computer systems, and review computer system capabilities, workflow, and schedule limitations. May analyze or recommend commercially available software.
Jobs available locally 3,367 |
Demand Locally +2 % |
Annual Wage Range $58,532 – $163,240 |
Program Level:
Degrees, Certificates
Program Type:
Computer Science, Technology & Business
Science & Technology
Computer Science Links of Interest Faculty & Staff Apply Now
About the Program
This program prepares students for entry-level positions as software developers. The program instills students with fundamental concepts and provides them with hands-on experience developing software applications.
What will I learn?The student will be able to obtain the knowledge and skills necessary for success in the computer industry. |
What can I do with this course of study? |
What is special about this program?
This major also provides a foundation for transfer into a 4-year computer science program. The program includes courses from the field of study curriculum for computer science that has been approved by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
About the Program
This program prepares students for entry-level positions as software developers. The program instills students with fundamental concepts and provides them with hands-on experience developing software applications. The student will be able to obtain the knowledge and skills necessary for success in the computer industry.
This major also provides a foundation for transfer into a 4-year computer science program. The program includes courses from the field of study curriculum for computer science that has been approved by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
Current Awards
Degrees and Certificates |
Transfer Advising Guides |
Useful Links
Job Links:
ComputerJobs.com - Software Developer Jobs in USA
PayScale - Software Developer Salary (United States)
Software Developer Conferences:
Software Development Conferences (a listing of conferences around the world)
Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges - South Central Region
GDC - Game Developers Conference
Java SE Certifications:
Contact Us |
Everett Percy |
Adrienne Partida Location: Phone: |
Noelia Santos Location: Phone: |