Saturday @ SAC

Saturday @ SAC offers several degree plans for working adults to complete their associate's degree in two years!
Highlights of the program include:
- Programs are designed specifically for working adults.
- Classes only meet on Saturdays and online.
- SAC guarantees to offer the classes you need to complete your degree in exactly two years.
The Degree Plans
Saturday @ SAC degrees currently offered are listed below. View the official brochure to view the two-year degree plans for each area of study.
- AA in Business Field of Study
- AA in Criminal Justice Field of Study
- AAS in Computer Programming
- AAT in Teaching
Flexible Schedule
Saturday @ SAC degrees utilize a “hybrid” model to deliver the content for each of the degrees, with a guarantee that SAC will provide the courses you need to complete the necessary coursework in exactly two years. Cohorts will take four courses a semester utilizing the Flex I and Flex II 8-week sessions. All classes will meet face-to-face on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to Noon and 1 to 4 p.m.. Throughout the week, assignments will also be completed via the online classroom, CANVAS.
Admissions Requirements
Students must complete the Alamo Colleges District’s Enrollment Steps, including applying for admission via Apply Texas. Learn more.
Note: All students seeking the AA in Business Administration and AA in Criminal Justice must be college-ready before beginning the program.
There is no additional charge for the Saturday @ SAC degree plans. All classes are priced according to the current Alamo Colleges District’s listed Tuition and Fees.
See current Tuition and Fees.
How to Enroll
1. Visit the Tino & Millie Duran Welcome Center to get help with the enrollment process (located at the corner of N. Main and W. Park Ave.)
2. Complete the Enrollment Steps.
3. Attend a New Student Orientation to complete the enrollment process.
Contact Us
Want more info? Call us today at 210-486-0920!